blog em português, dedicado a assuntos nórdicos
blog om Norden på portugisisk

quinta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2006

Ouro ou talvez não
Gull eller kanskje ikke

Uma catástrofe parece ter atingido a Noruega. Após 12 dias de provas olímpicas, a Noruega conquistou duas míseras medalhas de ouro. Pior do que isso, a Suécia já vai em 4! O Aftenposten, que pedia 14 medalhas (mais uma do que em Salt Lake City há quatro anos) teve que engolir as suas palavras, e os tablóides dos doces irmãos[*] estão-se a divertir imenso.

Claro que, mesmo assim, a Noruega tem mais duas medalhas douradas que Portugal, pois o singelo e ignorado representante português ficou em 94º na corrida dos 15km em esqui, atrás dos concorrentes do Quénia e da Etiópia.

[*] diz-se söta bror, em sueco, por analogia aos nuestros hermanos. Como todos sabem, especialmente a minha irmã, os irmãos não se escolhem.

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Blogger António said...

Pois, e foram 7 p grande desgosto tb ca da malta...

olha lá, nao queres dar uma maozinha a este amigo?

"I am the firstson to the second wife of the recently assassinated President of the Democratic Republic of Sweden, late Olof Palme. My mother got your contact information through a family friend who works with the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Six months before the assassination of my father, he had used my name to deposit in a metal container of dried stockfish in Oslo, Norway. The Security Company do not know the actual content of the box deposited with them since my father declared it to be non-stinking materials. This money was to be used for his second tenure election campaign bid but unfortunately, his own personal aide assassinated him in a palace coup on the early hours of January 16th, 2001.

Since my father's death, my stepmother has continued to be extremely mean and discriminatory to us in the family scheme of things because his son, MR. CARl-GUSTAF BERNADOTTE, now rule as king. She has even arbitrarily accused my mother of having masterminded our father's assassination and all sorts of ground less accusations. As a result of all these, I decided to move my family to Denmark. Right now, I am staying with my family here in Copenhagen but as refugees. As it is, I have now decided to divert this dried stockfish for our own personal use but we would want to get it transferred outside the continent for onward investment purposes. We do not want to open it here due to the volatile and sensitive status of the stinky fish.

As an international partner, I genuinely solicit that you kindly help me and my family transfer this dried stockfish into your country through your personal or company bank account for safekeeping pending my immediate arrival foronward investments, which we are going to rely on you heavily to help us materialize. "

8:45 da manhã

Blogger Paulo Alexandre said...

Perder a final do hóquei sobre o gelo - e logo para os suecos - é triste, não é?

1:30 da tarde


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